

Communication Skills Development Programme

How many times have you walked away from a conversation and felt like you haven’t been heard? Ineffective communication can sabotage customer relationships, business opportunities, and lead to frustration, lack of cooperation, decreased productivity and low morale. How can you make sure your message is heard and accepted as you intended? How can your organisation become an effective communicating environment?

Our course helps you understand your own communication style, enhance your listening skills, and effectively communicate with others. Effective communication can be learned, cultivated and perfected.

Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. Where does communication typically break down? Sometimes the wrong person or wrong medium is used to deliver the message. Sometimes the message itself is not articulated clearly, sometimes the sender and message seem correct, but are not connecting with the receiver’s understanding or requirements. Recent world events have highlighted the reliance on digital communications. People and businesses are now communicating more via video calls, social media and email. Each of these options present their own challenges. While many business are embracing digital technology, many still do not use it in the most relevant way. Our course cover how to use these platforms to the best effect.

Our communication course is designed specifically to increase your personal power. Adapting the techniques of professional communication to complement your individual style, will allow you to project credibility, gain influence, and build bridges of thought across multiple areas of interest. The topics covered in this workshop include:

Why communication breaks down

The importance of thorough preparation

Which form of communication works for you

Dealing with difficult people or situations

Ethical persuasion and influencing

Negotiation skills

Managing effective meetings

The difference between assertion, aggression and submission

Presentation skills

How left and right brain communication can work for you